Egilea: ROSA JADO abendua 22, 2016 Gertu ditugu Gabonak...eta gaur kalejiran ospatu dugu GABON ZORIONTSUAK IZAN ETA URTE BERRI ON!!! Irakurri informazio gehiago
Puppy Egilea: Anonimoa abendua 21, 2016 Christmas time arrives, and at class we are working a lot of things about it. This time in art we have been composing our particular dog, done with a towel. Look here our PUPPY photos ! Irakurri informazio gehiago
Christmas time Egilea: Anonimoa abendua 21, 2016 At music class we are working some Christmas songs to sing the next 22nd in Erandio. Come and sing with us!! Irakurri informazio gehiago
Egilea: Jado Ikastetxea abendua 19, 2016 Aste honetan neurri unitateak landu ditugu eta horretarako klasean dauden gauzak neurtu ditugu. Irakurri informazio gehiago
A flute player in class Egilea: Anonimoa abendua 19, 2016 Alejandro Potente has carried his flute to class and he has played some scores. Thank you for your interest and participation! Irakurri informazio gehiago
Egilea: ROSA JADO abendua 13, 2016 Kaixoooo!!! animaliak landu egin ditugu Naturan eta hobeto ikasteko irudidun kontzeptu mapak sortu ditugu...IKUSI...IKUSI ZEIN POLITAK .... Irakurri informazio gehiago